What Are The Benefits of ReZūm Water Vapor Therapy?
The litany of benefits deriving from ReZūm Water Vapor Therapy is transformative for BPH sufferers. As a minimally invasive treatment, it averts the need for surgical incisions, thereby reducing the associated risks and recovery times.
It notably preserves ejaculatory function in most men, safeguarding against the potential impediments presented by alternative treatments, such as medications. Dr. Slade tailors the treatment based on individual prostate size to assure a personalized approach to care.
On top of a noticeable reduction in BPH symptoms, individuals can also anticipate a swifter recovery time. Symptom relief, in some instances, can manifest within as little as two weeks, with the potential maximum benefit realized within approximately three-months. Thus, ReZūm therapy emerges not just as a treatment but as a protector of quality of life and intimate health.