Overactive Bladder in Men

Contact Dr. Slade

Understanding and managing an overactive bladder is a significant concern for many men, as it can greatly impact daily life and overall well-being. Characterized by symptoms like frequent urination, a strong and sudden urge to urinate, nocturia, and in some cases, urinary incontinence, an overactive bladder can be both inconvenient and distressing.

Dr. Slade aims to provide a clear overview of the symptoms, delve into the various treatment options available, and offer guidance on when it is advisable to seek medical intervention. Our goal is to empower men with the knowledge they need to effectively manage overactive bladder symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What Are the Symptoms of an Overactive Bladder in Men?

Identifying the symptoms of an overactive bladder is the first step towards effective management and treatment. In men, these symptoms can range from mild to severe, impacting daily routines and quality of life. Key symptoms include:

Going to bathroom frequently
  • Frequent Urination: Often defined as the need to urinate more than eight times in a 24-hour period.
  • Urgency to Urinate: This involves a sudden, intense urge to urinate, which can be difficult to control.
  • Nocturia: Waking up multiple times during the night to urinate.
  • Urinary Incontinence: In some cases, overactive bladder may lead to the involuntary loss of urine.

Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for understanding your condition and discussing potential treatment options with Boise urologist Dr. Slade.

How Can an Overactive Bladder Be Treated?

Treating an overactive bladder often involves a multi-faceted treatment tailored to the individual's specific circumstances and the underlying causes of their symptoms. Prostate enlargement (BPH) can often contribute to these symptoms in men and should be evaluated when considering treatment options. Effective overactive bladder treatment strategies recommended by Dr. Slade can include:

Overactive bladder discomfort
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Simple changes such as reducing the intake of caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol, managing overall fluid consumption, and adopting bladder training exercises.
  • Medications: Prescribed drugs can relax the bladder muscles, helping to alleviate urgency and frequency. These can be expansive and have undesirable side-effects which may encourage patients to seek procedural options.
  • Physical Therapy: Focused exercises to strengthen or relax the pelvic floor muscles can significantly improve bladder control depending on what an assessment of these muscles reveals.
  • Surgical Options: For more severe cases, minimally invasive procedures like botox injections into the bladder muscle, or targeted treatments for related conditions like BPH, might be recommended. When appropriate,procedures such as ReZūm Water Vapor Therapy and HoLEP have been shown to effectively address overactive symptoms without the side effects often associated with medications.

When Should I Seek Treatment for My Overactive Bladder?

Deciding when to seek treatment for an overactive bladder with Dr. Slade is a critical step in managing your bladder health. It's recommended to consult a healthcare professional when symptoms begin to significantly interfere with your daily life, such as disrupting sleep patterns or causing anxiety about accessibility to restrooms.

Man living with overactive bladder

Contact Boise Urologist Dr. Slade for Overactive Bladder Treatment

If you're living with the effects of an overactive bladder and want to stop medications now, consider the HoLEP with Moses Laser procedure. As the only endourologist in Idaho with fellowship training under the esteemed James Lingeman, Marcelino Rivera, and Tim Large, Dr. Slade brings unparalleled expertise and patient care. Contact Dr. Slade today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards improved urological health.

Contact Dr. Austen Slade today to take the first step toward improved urological health.

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