Urology Blog


What Happens If You Leave an Enlarged Prostate Untreated?

20 Feb, 2024 |

When an enlarged prostate, or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), goes untreated, the consequences can extend far beyond simple discomfort. Often, the progression of BPH without appropriate medical intervention can lead to significant health complications. This blog aims to shed light on the potential risks and long-term effects of ignoring BPH. From urinary retention to kidney damage, we will delve into how untreated BPH can escalate into more serious conditions, emphasizing the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment. 

What Are the Risks to Leaving an Enlarged Prostate Untreated?

Neglecting the treatment of an enlarged prostate (BPH), can lead to a cascade of health issues. Strain on the bladder from an enlarged prostate may cause the bladder muscle to thicken, reducing its capacity and leading to more frequent and urgent bathroom visits.. A concern to most men is urinary retention, where the cumulative effects of bladder strain results in failure to empty completely. Retention significantly increases the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs), the formation of bladder stones and permanent bladder damage. 

In more severe cases, long-term untreated BPH can escalate to uncontrolled urinary leakage (incontinence) and even kidney damage due to the persistent back pressure caused by urine retention. Ultimately, this may require the use of a Foley catheter for urine drainage. 

It's important to note that some bladder damage from prolonged BPH can be irreversible, emphasizing the importance of not delaying medical consultation and treatment.

Doctor diagnosing patient with BPH

Will My Enlarged Prostate Symptoms Worsen?

As an enlarged prostate progresses without treatment, the symptoms typically become more severe and disruptive. Initially, you may notice increased urinary frequency and nocturia, which is the need to urinate frequently during the night. Over time, these symptoms are likely to intensify, leading to greater discomfort and inconvenience in daily life. 

One of the more concerning risks is the development of sudden and painful acute urinary retention—a complete inability to urinate that requires immediate medical intervention. This progression not only affects physical health but can also significantly impact one's quality of life. Daily activities and sleep patterns may be disrupted, leading to increased stress and discomfort.

Can an Untreated Enlarged Prostate Cause Other Problems?

An untreated enlarged prostate can lead to several secondary complications beyond the direct symptoms of BPH. Waking up frequently at night disrupts the important restorative effects of sleep and can lower Testosterone levels. Many men may reduce their fluid consumption in an effort to minimize urinary symptoms which increases their chances of forming kidney stones. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bladder stones may also stem from incomplete bladder emptying, both my cause painful urination and blood in the urine.

In more extreme cases, the continuous obstruction caused by an untreated enlarged prostate can result in kidney damage or even kidney failure. These complications highlight the critical need for timely and effective management of BPH to prevent further deterioration of urinary and kidney health.

Patient treating enlarged prostate

Contact Boise Urologist Dr. Slade for Enlarged Prostate Treatment

Dr. Austen Slade offers a path to effective enlarged prostate treatment that can give men their lives back. Trained under renowned urological experts James Lingeman, Marcelino Rivera, and Tim Large, Dr. Slade's expertise in advanced BPH treatments can help you regain control over your urinary health without the burden of daily medication. Contact Dr. Slade to make an appointment and start your journey toward a life free from BPH.

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