Urology Blog


What Are the 5 Warning Signs of Prostate Problems?

28 Mar, 2024 |

Prostate health is an essential aspect of men's overall well-being, especially as they age. Recognizing the warning signs of prostate problems like BPH is crucial for early intervention and treatment. In this blog, we will explore the five key symptoms that could indicate underlying prostate issues. Boise urologist Dr. Austen Slade, emphasizes the importance of not dismissing these symptoms as mere effects of aging. Understanding these signs can lead to timely diagnosis and management, potentially improving quality of life and health outcomes.

Is Frequent Urination A Sign of Prostate Problems?

Frequent urination, especially at night (nocturia), is a common symptom of prostate issues like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This condition arises when the enlarged prostate presses on the urethra, leading to urinary retention or urgency. Dr. Slade points out that while increased urination frequency is often seen as a normal part of aging, it warrants a professional evaluation if there's a significant change. Identifying the cause through Dr. Slade's UroCuff Bladder Health evaluation can lead to appropriate treatment, allowing you to stop feeling all the physical effects of your age.

a man struggling with frequent urination

Does Blood in the Urine Indicate Prostate Problems?

Finding blood in the urine, or hematuria, can indicate prostate issues among other conditions. Dr. Slade advises that while blood in urine might signal a range of health concerns, its presence, particularly alongside urinary symptoms like peeing more frequently, having a weak or straining stream, or inability to empty your bladder, significantly points towards prostate complications.

Immediate tests like urine analysis, ultrasounds, or visualizing the lining of the bladder and prostate can quickly pinpoint the cause, allowing Dr. Slade to construct the best treatment plan for your health. This symptom, while alarming, is rarely caused by cancers but should prompt an urgent consultation with Dr. Slade for accurate diagnosis and timely intervention.

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When Should You See Dr. Slade for Prostate Problems?

Early detection and treatment are key to effectively managing prostate health issues like BPH. Dr. Slade encourages seeking medical advice for symptoms like difficulty starting urination, a weak urine stream, nocturia, or blood in urine. These signs would indicate a prostate problem needing urgent attention. Dr. Slade provides comprehensive evaluations to accurately diagnose and tailor treatment plans for each patient, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Symptoms to Watch For:

  • Difficulty initiating urination
  • A weak or intermittent urine stream
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Painful urination
  • Presence of blood in the urine

a man holding an x-ray image over his body

Contact Boise Urologist Dr. Slade for BPH Treatment

Dr. Austen Slade offers a path to effective BPH treatment that can give men their lives back. Trained under renowned urological experts James Lingeman, Marcelino Rivera, and Tim Large, Dr. Slade's expertise in advanced BPH treatments can help you regain control over your urinary health without the burden of daily medication. Contact Dr. Slade to make an appointment and start your journey toward a life free from BPH.

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